Internet Studies – Distance Learning – DLS (Distance Learning System) allows you to study from home based on recorded lessons and self-testing. Teaching process and tests and exams are constantly monitored. In addition, students are in contact with professors, assistants and colleagues.
DLS is realized through various forms of teaching: public broadcasting of a time-planned teaching event (live broadcasting of lectures or discussions of teachers / experts), lectures in PDF format and multimedia teaching materials available on the server 24/7, consultations with professors via Internet for informal learning through discussions, internet tests – colloquiums and limited duration exams. The final exam is organized during the examination period at the headquarters of the faculty.
It requires a computer, an Internet connection, a phone, an active e‑mail account, a Skype account, a microphone, a camera. Registration is done during the first activation of the MEF Profile. The account is active with a simple registration with adequate data (unique student DLS code, e‑mail, name and surname). MEF technical support is available for any issues and possible problems.
Students who opt for a distance learning system have the opportunity to follow lessons via mobile devices (mobile phone, tablet, laptop), and organize their workday the best way possible adjusting obligations, activities or employment to the studies. A flexible and functional DLS system gives a completely new dimension to the education system. Progressive technological advancement has made it possible for the education system to adapt to new methods by putting the student and his time in the spotlight.
Students most often express their satisfaction in their comments regarding the transformation of the traditional studies into a new, modern learning system. They are happy because DLS provides the opportunity for ambitious and versatile young people to attend classes, even though they are not able to be physically present.
Some of DLS students' comments are:
Within the DLS system, the student has a personal profile that gives him the opportunity to communicate with the student service, colleagues, assistants and professors. On enrollment, the student obtains a unique code which, with other personal data, opens a personal MEF profile on the DLS. In addition to being able to communicate and store unread messages while the student was not active on the profile, the Profile is also of the information type. The student has an insight into the average grade, the number of exams passed and not passed, the alarm system for appointments in the forthcoming examination period, potential unpaid tuition fees, access to all lectures 24 hours a day all days of the year.
When starting with the distance learning process, the student has at his disposal the ability to access lectures 24 hours and listen to them several times at the time of his choosing. In addition to the recorded lectures, the DLS platform is available to download teaching materials in PDF format. The electronic form of textual content contains carefully selected information and data, as well as current Internet links that will help students to master the necessary material. Theoretical teaching is completed with practical tasks. Networking on the software platform Virtual enterprise enables the student to exchange knowledge and skills with colleagues through practical problem solving in a real company. After certain period of time and material studied, students are given time-limited tests on the Internet. The conceptualized regular assessment of knowledge enables the professor to actively monitor the progress of each individual student on the path of acquiring qualifications in a professional field. Practical works (essays, seminars, projects) are sent electronically to the professor for insight, who, with corrections and advice, evaluates the work and then returns it to the student. All knowledge tests are documented and archived under the student’s code and are available for inspection at the faculty premises.
The DLS coordinator is available to students for all necessary information and advice. Professors, assistants and teaching associates are available for all consultations related to the subjects. The student has the absolute freedom to contact the professional staff of the Faculty by email, telephone or Skype. The deadline for answering is a maximum of 24 hours. Highly professional professors with their expert knowledge and skills as well as pedagogical approach provide safe support to students.
MEF has an expert advisory team specializes in directing young undecided potentials. If you are in doubt about the choice of the curriculum, the expert psychological counselor, based on the standardized tests for directing education, professional orientation and professional development, offers the opportunity to find the right choice.