Мarketing Department / Adecco / Пракса
Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ-а обавештава студенте о актуелном конкурсу компанијe Adecco на позицији Marketing Department. Пракса се обавља у Београду. С обзиром на то да се пракса обавља и на српском и на енглеском језику, преносимо текст конкурса у изворном облику.
Adecco is the world leader in human resource solutions, with a comprehensive service offering that includes outsourcing, temporary and contract staffing as well as permanent recruitment. For our Client, we are searching for highly motivated and reliable candidate for the position of:
Intern in Marketing Department Belgrade
- Final year or finished studies, module in Marketing or Management
- Computer and database skills (knowledge MS Excel)
- Good knowledge of English
- Maintaining databases of Excel
- Updating databases
- Practical application of Marketing skills
- Getting familiar with organisation of Marketing campaign
- Creative and communicative person
- Reliable and responsible
- Good organizational skills
Рок за пријаву: 02.април 2019. године.