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Brasidas Group пракса / Пријава

26. Мај 2020 / 18:02    2779 Views  

Због природе практикантске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву је 11.06.2020. године.

MEF fakultet - Brasidas

Brasidas Group is seeking a Project Management Intern (PMI) with native or near-native knowledge of Farsi who will be responsible for small to mid-sized projects with the expectation of progressing to higher levels of independent responsibility in project management. The PMI will work in the Belgrade office. Candidate must possess exemplary spoken and written English skills, with facility communicating on a professional level. Special preference given to multilingual candidates.

Key areas of responsibility include:

1.Report Writing & Editing:

  • All reports must be edited for form and content before they are delivered to clients. Through editing, the PMI will become familiar with the company's "voice" and ensure these nuances are included in all final reports. The PMI also ensures reports fulfill client requirements.

2. Project Management:

  • Assist in the planning and implementation of projects;
  • Establish timelines and deliverables;
  • Monitor progress of project and timely collection of data; 


  • Bachelors-level degree with background in business, economics, political science, international or area studies. Candidates who did not focus in these areas but who have studied and lived abroad for a significant amount of time are also strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Native-like knowledge of Farsi. Knowledge of Arabic is a plus.
  • Ability to cultivate contacts with persons whose background, culture, or language differs from one’s own.
  • Ability to communicate across multiple teams in different locations.
  • Ability to analyze, synthesize and summarize information in cogent, concisely written reports within deadline.
  • Ability to perform open source research and analysis.
  • Ability to think outside the box and provide critical thinking.

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