Новости 1 Студентски профил Moodle

Crionis LLC пракса / Пријава

03. Септембар 2020 / 07:45    1269 Views  

Због природе практикантске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву је 13.09.2020. године.

MEF fakultet - Crionis

As an intern (m/f), you will be part of a team working on projects for our corporate clients. You will take part in learning our routines and procedures, as well as work on real-world simple tasks alongside your mentors, with a focus on on-the-job training.

Knowledge and qualifications:

  • Strong interest in IT, development and engineering
  • Entry-level experience in at least one current programming laguage, such as JavaScript, C++, PHP, Python, Rust, or others
  • Understanding of the basics of software development and algorithms
  • Good level of written and spoken English
  • Willingness to learn and enthusiasm

The ideal candidate will also possess the following skills:

  • Ability to efficiently cooperate with other team members
  • Precision and pragmatism
  • Strong problem-solving and organizational skills
  • A desire to constantly improve and further develop their skills

What you get

We are a small, fully distributed team offering a great remote working environment. You can expect efficient and seamless collaboration to keep you inspired and productive. You'll never feel disconnected from other coworkers, as we hold regular team meetings and meetups. Of course, you'll have flexibility with regards to working hours. A large part of our business consists of exciting internal projects, which gives you an opportunity to develop and grow your skills. If you love the challenge of creating new, meaningful products from the ground up, this is the position for you.

We offer our candidates the following:

  • Working in an established company as part of a young and dynamic team
  • Remote work and flexible working hours
  • Further education and workplace development
  • Potential for further collaboration

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