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Marketing Database / eFront / Пракса

17. Јул 2019 / 10:38    2283 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ факултета обавештава студенте основних и мастер академских студија о актуелном конкурсу за праксу на радној позицији Marketing Database у компанији eFront. Пракса се обавља у Београду, а ради неопходности знања енглеског језика, преносимо вам текст у изворном облику.

МЕФ факултет - Marketing Database

eFront recently acquired by BlackRock, is the leading provider of software solutions to manage alternative investments (Private Equity, Real Estate, Private Debt and Funds of Hedge Funds). We have grown extensively year-on-year since our inception and the forefront of our strategy is to continue this trajectory. We are a global organization with offices across Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. To support our constantly growing business, we are looking for a: Marketing Database Intern - Belgrade.


  • Working on a project to improve global CRM database, under the supervision of the Marketing Automation Manager and Market Research Analyst.

Main responsibilities:

  • Maintain and improve global CRM database (companies and contacts)
  • Consolidate several data sources into the main CRM database, cross-checking between sources and reconciliating data
  • Build the process and automated checks to reconcile and consolidate data between sources, and perform manual reconciliation when it can't be automated
  • Enhance the database content by using new tools and external agencies
  • Define initiatives to increase the market knowledge and coverage on all potential prospects across the geographies
  • Work with internal stakeholders in the marketing, sales teams and account management teams to validate database changes

Required skills and experience:

  • Third or final year of studies, completed basic university education, or higher level completed or still on-going
  • Basic knowledge/understanding of finance
  • Ability to interpret large amounts of data and to multi-task
  • Strong analytical and critical thinking
  • Self-motivated, open-minded, reliable and independent
  • Excel proficiency
  • Fluent in English, verbal and written

You will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge in Market Research, Database administration and CRM tools. If this sounds like you, we would like to meet you! Пријаве путем линка. Рок за пријаву: 02. 08. 2019. године.

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