Henkel / Пракса
Центар за каријерно вођење обавештава студенте завршних година мастер академских студија о актуелној стручној пракси у компанији Henkel у области маркетинга. Ради захтева за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо вам текст конкурса у изворном облику.
Internship in Marketing - Laundry & Home Care Belgrade
- Close collaboration with the Brand Manager in the fast-moving laundry & homecare environment
- Working on the marketing mix to give support to product launches
- Analysis and evaluation of the market data and competitor monitoring
- Maintaining strong contacts with other departments (Sales, Planning, Trade Marketing) and with our external partners (headquarter, PR agency, promotion and advertising agencies)
- Support the Brand Manager in (Digital) Media activities and Point of Sales activations
- Final college year or master studies, preferably economy or administration;
- Highly motivated and with a high sense of ownership;
- Strong analytical skills and sense for facts and figures;
- Multitasking, flexible, customer-oriented;
- Strong computer skills;
- English language is a must;
If you feel you are the right person for this internship, please send your CV and motivation letter to jobs.henkel@henkel.com. Closing date: 24th April 2019.