Новости Студентски профил Moodle

IKEA Srbija d.o.o. / Пријава

29. Октобар 2020 / 01:14    1411 Views  

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву: 3.11.2020.

MEF fakultet - IKEA

Trainee in Digital team

You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you value is more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.

From our candidates we expect:

  • Good knowledge of English, both written and spoken
  • General knowledge of relevant technology standards, trends and innovations
  • General knowledge of IT service management, processes and tool-sets, procedures and guidelines
  • Can easily explain to others complex problems and procedures
  • Problem analysis and problem solving skills
  • Good communication and organization skills
  • Willing to learn and upgrade their knowledge
  • Recent graduate or a senior year student
  • Relevant educational background: The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, ICT College or similar.

What we are offering:

  • Paid internship
  • Mentoring program dedicated to your area of interest
  • Internal trainings and possibility to grow
  • Opportunity to work in international environment
  • Chance to continue your career path within IKEA SEE
  • Free refreshments

IKEA South East Europe is an exciting and empowering region with great growth agenda in all countries – Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine. We currently operate 4 stores and we will open 2 new ones in the upcoming period. If you are interested to gain practical knowledge and become part of our organization - IKEA South East Europe, you can do that by sending your resume to following link. Send your CV in English.

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