Новости Студентски профил Moodle

Kary Tech Solutions / Пракса

31. Мај 2019 / 12:51    2292 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ-а обавештава студенте економских наука о актуелном конкурсу у компанији Kary Tech Solutions. Пракса се реализује у Новом Саду, Београду, Крагујевцу, Нишу, Суботици. Најбоље практиканте очекује могућност запослења. С обзиром на то да је за обављање праксе потребно знање енглеског језика, преносимо текст у изворном облику.

МЕФ факултет - Kary Tech Solutions

Financial Internship Program (Remote position)

This Internship Program is for a candidate interested in entering the field of ERP Consulting. This paid self-study internship will run 6-12 weeks (with flexible part-time hours) after which the candidate can apply for a full-time position with the company. This is a remote working position, working with North American clients, and the candidate will be required to work using their own computer and reliable internet. The Financial Intern position will assist the Financial Consulting team in ERP implementation projects. The ideal candidate has a strong customer service mindset and can balance the requirements of ERP implementation and balancing customer demands. They will be required to be available to work during Eastern Standard Time (with some flexibility).

Internship Self-Study will require:

  • Study of Dynamics NAV Financials and Trade modules
  • Study of Dynamics NAV Report Writing and basic configuration
  • Study of Dynamics NAV Programming and Customization
  • Demonstrating advancement of understanding of these positions and their roles


The successful candidate will be required to:

  • Learn and apply Implementation Standards
  • Learn the Microsoft Dynamics NAV product at a detailed level
  • Assist the Financial Consultant in their activities
  • Apply accounting standards and best practices in day-to-day activities
  • Assisting customers and clients with NAV (once trained sufficiently)
  • Train customers and prepare customer ready training materials
  • Assist customers with modifying and adjusting report designs
  • Support multiple implementation projects across Ontario and Canada
  • Maintain frequent and clear communication with the team members
  • Testing scenarios in Dynamics NAV (such as financial settings and configuration) as well as debugging software, data loading and testing in preparation of software demos


The ideal candidate will possess:

  • A relevant degree in Business Economics and/or Accounting
  • Have experience in bookkeeping or accounting
  • An ability to work independently
  • Superior organizational and time management skills
  • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience delivering training in a corporate environment is an asset
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook
  • Work experience in Manufacturing, Distribution or Logistics is an asset
  • ERP and/or NAV experience an asset
  • Have or pursuing an ACCA designation an asset

Salary range: 1.000,00 - 1.500,00 EUR. Please respond electronically. Deadline for applications: 07.06.2019. Пријава овде.

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