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High-level English Content Writer - AbeloHost B.V. / Обавештење

12. Мај 2021 / 17:59    2393 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење Факултета за примењени менаџмент, економију и финансије, обавештава студенте да је компанија „ AbeloHost B.V.“, расписала конкурс за посао на позицији Content Writer-a. Због потребе позиције, конкурс приказујемо на енглеском језику.

MEF fakultet - AbeloHost

AbeloHost B.V., established in 2012, is a Netherlands-based web hosting provider. We guarantee high-quality hosting to our clients, customized to meet the specific requirements for their online activities. We are continually looking for new opportunities in the internet world, and for this, we're searching and assembling a team of highly motivated and smart individuals who will further our network. To that end, we are looking for a competent High-Level English Content Writer, willing to commit to a remote full-time freelance position.  The ideal candidate should be able to cater to the tastes and demands of a broad international audience and a diverse client base. Familiarity with a wide variety of genres, formats, and writing styles is a must, as you will be asked to draft anything from articles and blog posts to copywriting, creating web page content, and more.


  • Produce high-level and proficient content that is original, engaging, and free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes
  • Follow the client’s content specifications and guidelines
  • Carry out research on the assigned topics
  • Fact-check and revise content as required
  • Work closely with a team of talented content proofreaders and managers
  • Submit all articles and revisions in a timely manner 
  • Use SEO techniques to optimize content

What to bring

  • Near-native English proficiency
  • Working knowledge of Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and similar software
  • Excellent spelling and grammar
  • Strong critical-thinking, fact-checking, research, and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to conduct in-depth research on a variety of topics using the internet
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment
  • A good understanding of the nuances of copywriting for marketing
  • Ability to communicate and write effectively, to generate well-written content quickly and independently
  • Ability to accept and implement feedback


  • Exceptional attention to detail
  • Fact-checking experience
  • Work experience and formal education is desirable, but not mandatory
  • Writing and editing experience desirable, preferably as a writer or editor of web content
  • Available for occasional weekend work
  • Comfortable working in a deadline-driven environment 


  • Performance-based bonuses
  • Ability to work from home with flexible hours for the foreseeable future
  • Working in a relaxed and results-oriented environment
  • Great prospects for career advancement and valuable work experience for people just starting their career
  • Paid internship for capable individuals who are unfamiliar with this line of work
  • Word count-based rate; the estimated salary range is from €450 to €600/month

Growth opportunities 

Every six months, successful candidates will have a performance review with their supervisor. These present an opportunity for high-performing and committed content writers to voice their interest in becoming managers or marketing specialists and help push the company’s goals further.

What’s next?

Does the position of a High-Level English Content Writer speak to you and is it something you’d excel at? If that’s a yes, send us your CV and cover letter in ENGLISH to recruitment@abelohost.com, with the subject Application for the High-level English Content Writer position. These two documents mark the start of the application process, so we will use them to evaluate your English skills. If they are in any other language, we won’t take your application into consideration. To ensure your qualifications match the company’s goals, we’ve created a multi-step selection process that will assess your writing skills. The process includes several test assignments, as well as interviews so that we can get to know you better. Therefore, give it your best shot and get ready to use this opportunity to the fullest.

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