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Конкурс за праксу YouTestMe / Обавештење

03. Децембар 2020 / 22:56    1237 Views  

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву 31. 12. 2020.

MEF fakultet - Конкурс за праксу YouTestMe QA

Quality Assurance - Internship Belgrade

The YouTestMe (www.youtestme.com) brand is continuously expanding its team with people who are ready to learn and make changes in the world of knowledge assessment. Passionate individuals who aspire leading positions and innovating tasks have a great chance of being a part of our creative team. You can both enjoy yourself and make personal progress in our fast-growing company. We offer a number of challenging opportunities for various professional profiles, and most of all – we deeply support the fun part of the work.


  • Basic computer knowledge
  • Readiness to learn
  • Excellent English language skills

Desirable knowledge of

  • Java
  • Selenium
  • JMeter

QA Tester responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing and analyzing system specifications
  • Executing test scripts and reviewing results
  • Reporting and documenting technical issues

What are we offering?

  • Working in a young team
  • Working with international clients
  • Introduction to the latest and upcoming software

If you think you have some of these qualities, send us your CV to careers@youtestme.com. All inquiries will be considered and reviewed.

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