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Nordeus Hub - Community Host / Конкурс

07. Новембар 2019 / 12:29    2460 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ факултета позива студенте завршних година студија да се одазову на конкурс за позицију community host-а у Nordeus Hub-у. Конкурс се односи на пола радног времена у поподневним часовима и плаћеног је карактера. Због природе самог запослења, преносимо оглас у оригиналном облику и напомињемо да је за конкурисање потребно знање енгледког језика.

МЕФ факултет - Nordeus - Community host

Since Nordeus was founded we are on a mission to give the world more champions. We are doing that through our games, but we also believe one of life’s greatest gifts is to give back, and that’s why we have a number of giving back initiatives. From helping UNICEF to create a new app to co-founding the Digital Serbia Initiative and Serbian Gaming Association. We strongly believe that Serbia has the potential to become a leading tech and business hub of Southeastern Europe and we are working closely with the community to develop the gaming ecosystem and empower talent. 

To support this effort we want to put Serbia on the global map of gaming so we created Nordeus Hub, a co-working space for the development of the gaming ecosystem and empowerment of talent.We are looking for an amazing Community Host who is passionate about giving Serbia more champions. You’ll play a critical role in helping us build the Nordeus Hub community and support hosted events. This is a paid, part-time role working 4 hours per day in the evenings (likely 17h to 21h). Does this sound like you? Join us!

What you will do:

  • Help us with Member & Community Management including connecting members, helping with community projects and troubleshooting any issues
  • Be the first point of contact by welcoming members and visitors, providing information and giving tours 
  • Event support such as setting up rooms for meetings & events, communication with partners and speakers
  • Open and close the Hub and make sure our space always looks great! Help with managing the Hub’s social media accounts

What we are looking for:

  • A University student in their 3rd year or above 
  • You are interested in the gaming industry, startups & co-working
  • Experience in event management, community building, social networks management is a plus but not required
  • You have great English and communication skills - both written and spoken
  • You are a self-starter who loves working in teams 
  • Someone with a positive attitude and willing to jump in and help
  • You are curious & excited to learn

Заинтресовани студенти могу се пријавити за позицију и послати своју биографију и мотивационо писмо путем следећег линка: https://nordeus.com/careers/general/1929933/

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