Пракса у IT компанији ENDAVA
Драги студенти,
Обавештавамо вас да је мултинационална компанија ENDAVA расписала конкурс за обављање стручне праксе са могућношћу запослења по обављеној пракси. Отворене су позиције за Project Manager-e. Пријаве су могуће путем следећег линка: Project Manager
Consider a new opportunity
Join our Internship program, separated in four career paths: Applications Management, Development, Testing and Project Management Disciplines. You will benefit from up to three months of intensive training programs aimed at developing your technical and soft skills.
What will you learn?
IT projects leadership support in Agile environment
Scrum master role responsibilities and hands on experience
Business analysis techniques
Product owner role responsibilities
Project management tools
What will you need to get started?
Analytical and logical thinking and ability to solve problems
Critical thought and rational enquiry
Flexibility to learn and apply new things
Basic IT knowledge
Any formal (course, certification) or informal education related to project management is a plus
Excellent English skills
Primary Location: Serbia-Belgrade-Belgrade
Organization: Endava Serbia
Schedule: Full-time