Конкурс за праксу
Java Developer Internship at LEVI9
Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ-а обавештава студенте о расписаном конкурсу за праксу Java Developer Internship at LEVI9 У ТРАЈАЊУ ОД ТРИ МЕСЕЦА У Београду с обезбеђеним паркингом. С обзиром на неопходност знања енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику.
In our delivery centers, we work closely together with local universities for training and internships, keeping a strong link between the curriculum and real life practice.
We offer an individual approach to students in internship programs, with the possibility to work for us in the future. The individual approach means that each practitioner has a personal mentor.
We believe that this method is the most efficient one and provides the required attention to students, which is crucial for gaining knowledge and new skills. Students who pass our internship selection will be working closely together with one of our teams, having the opportunity to be close to real life projects.
If you choose to participate in our internship program:
benefits that we provide:
- An individual approach and a personal mentor
- The latest technologies and methodologies
- Real life projects
- A highly stimulating and fun working environment
- Great career opportunity
- Great colleagues to learn from and work with
- Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or Engineering
- Desire to work within an international environment
- Willingness to expand knowledge and gain practical experience
- Ability to think analytically
- Creative problem solving skills
If you want to become a part of our successful story, send your CV and motivational letter on jobs-serbia@levi9.com.
Рок за пријаву је 14. фебруар 2019. године.