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Конкурс за плаћену праксу: SRH Serbia (IPPF member)

22. Фебруар 2019 / 18:35    2498 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ-а обавештава студенте основних и мастер академских студија о актуелном конкурсу за плаћену праксу. С обзиром на то да се пракса обавља и на енглеском језику, преносимо вам текст у изворном облику.

Srh praksa

Internship to program department



Terms of reference for internship at SRH Serbia:


Since its foundation in 2002, SRH Serbia-IPPF member works towards achieving discrimination free, gender equal and pro-choice environment. We are strongly committed to gender equality, and to eliminating the stigma and discrimination, which leads to the widespread violation of health and human rights, particularly among women.

SRH Serbia-IPPF member aims to improve people's quality of life through provision of services to vulnerable population and advocacy on local, national, and regional level. SRH Serbia defends the right of all people to enjoy sexual lives free from ill health, unwanted pregnancy, violence and discrimination.

Since 2010, SRH Serbia is an Associate Member of International Planned Parenthood Federation-IPPF (EN) www.ippfen.org, a global leader in providing reproductive health and human rights services, founded in 1952 and operating in 172 countries worldwide. SRH Serbia – IPPF member works in partnerships with communities, governments, other organizations and donors.

Objectives of the internship:

  • Enhance the educational experience of candidates through practical and guided hands-on exposure and involvement in SRH Serbia development projects in Serbia.
  • Provide candidates with an exposure to the working environment of a multilateral organization and a better understanding of SRH Serbia’s goals and activities.

Functions/Duties and Output Expectations:

    Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager (Programme), the intern is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Conduct research in the thematic priority areas that is determined jointly by the supervisor and the intern (e.g. cross cut legislative research on implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the region).
  • Compiling best practices, lessons learnt, experiences and stories on key thematic development areas (e.g. reproductive rights).
  • Provide support to the SRH Serbia’s Programme cluster’s seminars, workshops, conferences, where applicable.
  • The following outputs will be expected:

  • A research report in the thematic priority areas that is determined jointly by the supervisor and the intern.


  • Intern shall receive compensation for the duties performed.

Other Relevant Information:

  • The intern must keep confidential any and all unpublished information made known during the course of the internship and not publish any reports or paper on the basis of information obtained except with the written approval and authorization of SRH Serbia.

Рок за пријаву је 7. март 2019. године.

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