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Конкурс за праксу: Telenor d.o.o

16. Јануар 2019 / 18:30    2584 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ-а обавештава студенте основних и мастер академских студија о актуелном конкурсу за праксу у Београду компаније Telenor d.o.o. у трајању од 12 месеци. Пракса се обавља на српском и на енглеском језику, те преносимо опис задужења и услове на енглеском језику.


Telenor Serbia is looking for a member of the team for up to one year within senior practice in the Corporate Communications and Sustainable Business team.

Communications and External Affairs Internship



  • Participation in everyday work and duties of the team dealing with external and internal communications, event organization and sustainable business activities.
  • Participate in the creation of communication content such as posts, articles, photo news and their posting on relevant communication channels (external website, intranet, social networking and more)
  • Contribution to planning and implementing campaigns


The ad is intended for graduates or students of the final years who:

  • Want to learn and continue to develop in the fields of communications, media and / or modern technologies.
  • Want to get to know more about the corporate environment, culture and way of working and gain working experience in the international company.
  • Are responsible towards obligations in which they can be independent.
  • They are solution oriented and cooperative
  • Know well the Serbian and English languages

We offer:

  • Working in a dynamic environment allows to freely express opinions, ideas and inspire new ways of doing things.
  • Competitive terms and conditions.
  • Be part of a highly competent and collaborative environment.
  • A paid one year internship, an opportunity for learning and developing in close cooperation with a team of professionals in respective fields.

Рок за пријаву је 21.01.2019. године.

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