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Конкурс за праксу PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting d.o.o. / Обавештење

13. Новембар 2020 / 15:14    2141 Views  

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву: 25. 11. 2020.

MEF fakultet - PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting

Intern in Tax Department – Tax Reporting and Strategy (Belgrade)

A career in our Tax Compliance Services practice, within Tax services, will provide you with the opportunity to help our clients meet and manage their tax and accounting obligations while acting as a strategic consultant related to business analysis, managing direct and indirect taxes, dispute resolution and global enterprise tax and accounting solutions. We are offering a 3-5 months internship, extraordinary professional development opportunities and potential full-time employment in our Tax Department. Our Internship programme provides students in their last year of studies or recent graduates with an opportunity to experience work and life at PwC, offering a valuable insight into our business and culture.

Work responsibilities

  • You will be working in the PwC Serbia Tax Reporting and Strategy team under supervision and with support of more senior consultants.
  • You’ll learn how to support clients with compliance across all taxes and statutory accounting.
  • You’ll focus on learning about bookkeeping and monthly reporting, drafting and filing of local statutory financial statements and tax returns.


  • Final year of studies or recent graduate - Bachelor of Science in Economics, Accounting or Finance
  • Willing to work as part of a team
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Good communication and PC skills
  • Drive, dedication and willingness to learn and develop in the area tax and accounting compliance
  • Openness to new technologies

If you fulfil the above requirements and want to grow professionally in an outstanding business environment, please apply online until 25 November 2020.

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