Новости 2 Студентски профил Moodle

„Spring Internship“ – Levi9 Technology Services

Конкурс за праксу

03.03.2023. 14:00 | 1213

<i>„Spring Internship“ – <strong>Levi9 Technology Services</strong></i>

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику.
Рок за пријаву је 12.03.2023.

Линк за пријаву:

Internship Description:

If you are a student looking for an opportunity to expand your knowledge and make first steps towards your future career in IT industry, we just might be the place for you!

We love sharing our knowledge with new talents through teamwork, projects and mentorship, keeping a strong link between the curriculum and real-life practice.

Take a look at our calendar below for the 1st half of 2023. to see when your preferable technology is scheduled for and apply.

What do we offer?


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