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Конкурс за праксу Sysdig d.o.o. / Обавештење

09. Новембар 2020 / 13:48    1931 Views  

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву: 12. 11. 2020.

MEF fakultet - Sysdig

Software Engineer - Internship (Belgrade)

Sysdig is the secure DevOps company, and we’re at the forefront of the container and Kubernetes revolution. We are passionate, technical problem-solvers, continually innovating and delivering powerful solutions to secure and operate cloud-native applications in production. Our consistent contributions to open source software projects reflect our commitment to the open cloud movement. We value diversity and open dialog to spur ideas, working closely together to achieve goals. And we're a great place to work too -- we were awarded the 2019 Bay Area Best Places to Work Award from San Francisco Business Times and the Silicon Valley Business Journal. We are looking for team members who share our commitment to customers and are willing to dig deeper, understand problems and deliver innovative solutions. Does this sound like the right place for you? We are looking for candidates who are passionate about building systems and would like to apply their knowledge in practice through a three month full-time internship.


  • Familiarity with programming skills : Java, Go, Python, C++ or Scala
  • Understanding computer science fundamentals, including algorithms, data structures, and object-oriented design
  • Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills
  • Obtained or in process of obtaining a Bachelors or Masters degree. (Computer Science, Software Engineering or other with a programming emphasis)


  • Familiarity with Jenkins CI, Perforce, GIT
  • Understanding around concepts like Web Services, SOA, REST APIs, Security
  • Knowledge of concurrent and distributed programming
  • A constant desire to grow, learn, and explore new things
  • High levels of creativity and quick problem-solving capabilities

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