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Еnterprise IT Systems Specialist / Telenor Common Operation / Пракса

27. Март 2019 / 12:18    2053 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење МЕФ-а обавештава студенте ИТ-а о актуелном конкурсу у компанији Telenor Common Operation на позицији Enterprise IT Systems Specialist. Пракса се обавља у Београду и траје 12 месеци. С обзиром на то да се пракса обавља и на српском и на енглеском језику, преносимо текст конкурса у изворном облику.

MEF FAKULTET - Telenor praksa

Hey there,

We are looking for talents to join Telenor Common Operation Serbia (TnCO) on a 12 month paid internship!

TnCO is a Technology Service Provider delivering Network and IT services to Telenor Business units in CEE and beyond. Established on the 1st October 2013, the company has 600+ employees in four countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia. As of August 2018, TnCO is part of PPF Group.

Sounds good?! Keep reading!

If you are:

  • Tech savvy, curious and willing to learn
  • Interested in Cloud and Virtualization
  • Student in 3rd or 4th year in bachelor, or master, or recently graduated in the last 12 months
  • Able to work part or full time for 1 year

And have:

  • Technical education
  • Desirable but not required knowledge of: Basic Linux skills, Computer/server administration knowledge
  • Good knowledge of English language (spoken and written)

Then position of

Enterprise IT Systems Specialist - Intern

might just be for you

Main tasks you’ll have:

  • Linux/UNIX system administration
  • Storage and backup administration
  • Virtualization platforms administration 

What you’ll learn with us:

  • Linux/UNIX system administration
  • VM ware
  • Server and Storage hardware
  • Architecture of the IT platforms  

During this 12 months we offer:

  • Opportunity to work cross border with experts and mentors on real projects
  • Opportunity to develop tech ideas and solutions
  • Meaningful experience, while you learn, have fun and get paid
  • Open working space and flexible working hours
  • Opportunity of employment for proven candidates
  • Provided health care and transportation allowance

Please submit your CV in English language.

Рок за пријаву: 06.април 2019. године.

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