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Xeliron d.o.o. / Digital Marketing & Research Associate / Пракса

12. Јун 2019 / 21:39    2423 Views  

Центар за каријерно вођење обавештава студенте о актуелном конкурсу за праксу. Трајање праксе је од 3 до 6 месеци. С обзиром на захтеве позиције и потребног знања енглеског језика преносимо вам текст конкурса у изворном облику.

MEF Fakultet - Xelirion d.o.o. Digital Marketing & Research Associate

Leading International Online Marketing Group.

Xeliron is now hiring.

Digital Marketing & Research Associate – Internship program


You’re a recent graduate or have minimal working experience and now ready to step intoa new life role – we might have something for you.

We’re expanding our team and looking for a knowledge digger, enthusiast, person who is ready to start with smaller steps but to patiently build him/herself and take on more responsibilities in time.

If you’re a marketing superstar who’s ready to show off your talents, you might be the perfect fit for our team.

Sounds interesting? Have a look!

What you’ll be doing:

  • Learn multiple skills of online marketing such as account management, identifying potential prospects, researching the market place and mapping competitive landscape and much more.
  • You will research and analyze the industry to always be on top of the latest trends
  • Improving quality service by recommending improved processes; identifying new product and service applications.
  • Communication with partners via email and chat channels.
  • Optimizing campaigns and making sure that supply/demand channels are being updated according to partners needs
  • Taking full ownership of different projects

We’d like you to:

  • Have strong organizational and analytical skills
  • Have Strong online research skills
  • Manage ongoing performance tracking
  • Have excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Be fluent in both oral and written English
  • Enjoy learning about computers/software/technology

The best candidate will be:

  • A team player with good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Independent, highly motivated self-starter with the ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Resourceful, adaptive, willing to go the extra mile and learn new technologies to get the job done.
  • Passionate about technology and the digital world (Being a Nerd is a big plus!)
  • Have some creative technical experience (Photoshop, Wordpress, etc)
  • Creative, crafty and collaborative while thinking outside the box but also understands how to use and interpret analytics.

What we offer:

  • 3-6 month internship supervised by a mentor
  • Further professional development and opportunity to join on a full-time basis once the program ends
  • Relaxed international internet company atmosphere in a small office at Belgrade downtown.

Sound like you? Show us why you’re the perfect fit for our growing team.

We’re looking forward to receiving your application. Please send us your updated resume in English no later than 21.06.2019.

Although we’re always happy to meet all candidates, please note that only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.

Пријава путем линка.

Рок за пријаву: јун 2019. године

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