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КОНКУРС ЗА ПРАКСУ „Marketing Support Intern“ – ROBERT BOSCH D.O.O. Serbia/Belgrade / ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ

09.05.2024. 22:10 | 548

КОНКУРС ЗА ПРАКСУ „Marketing Support Intern“ – ROBERT BOSCH D.O.O. Serbia/Belgrade / ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву је: 22.05.2024. Линк за пријаву: https://startuj.infostud.com/posao/marketing-support-intern-593706

Company Description

About Bosch: Are you ready to shape the future of technology and make a positive impact with your ideas? With Bosch, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the innovative advancements in areas such as mobility solutions, consumer goods, industrial technology or energy and building technology, all aimed at enhancing the quality of life and sustainability on a global scale.

Who we are?

Imagine a startup culture within a corporation – agile, flexible, and always looking for new ways to improve.

The Power Tools division sets new standards for the whole world in developing innovative products for building, industry, home, and garden.

Our team is in charge of shaping our global eCommerce operations for Bosch Power Tools across countries. We would like to improve our own D2C sales channels like our eShop or our Marketplace accounts. Therefore we need your help!

We are working on global projects and you’ll collaborate with colleagues from all over the world and tackle exciting, cutting-edge projects. There are many opportunities for career growth, and we are all about fostering a culture of trust, support, and inclusivity.

So, if you’re looking for a place where your ideas will be heard and you’ll be encouraged to take challenges and grow, this is the right place for you!

Interested? Get ready to work #LikeABosch!

Job Description

Additional Information

Why you’ll ll love to work with us:

If you are ready to start #LikeABosch, please fill in the contact form and submit your CV (PDF format) in English language.

After we screen all the applications, if you are fulfilling all the requirements, you will be contacted for an interview (using Microsoft Teams).

We live by our values, have an open feedback culture and there is plenty of room for innovative ideas. All because a team is only as valuable as its members.

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