Новости Студентски профил Moodle

Online internship – Serbia/Belgrade - Levi9

Конкурc за праксу - Обавештење

14.01.2022. 12:52 | 1963

<strong><em>Online internship – Serbia/Belgrade - Levi9</em></strong>

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву је: 25.01.2022. Линк за пријаву.

If there is no open vacancy for the internship that is interesting to you, you can send us your CV here and we will contact you when we start selection for the program.

We organize internships in several departments and you can choose between:

We offer an individual approach to students in internship programs, with the possibility to work for us in the future. The individual approach means that each practitioner has a personal mentor. We believe that this method is the most efficient one and provides the required attention to students, which is crucial for gaining knowledge and new skills. Students who pass our internship selection will be working closely together with one of our teams, having the opportunity to be close to real-life projects.

Duration: 3 weeks, full time

If you choose to participate in our internship program, these are the benefits that we provide:

*Important note: You need to be a student if you want to apply for an internship program in our company.

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