Новости Студентски профил Moodle

Intern Java Full Stack Developer - JAGGAER

Конкурс за праксу - Обавештење

14.01.2022. 13:12 | 1616

<strong><em>Intern Java Full Stack Developer - JAGGAER</em></strong>

Због природе практиканске позиције и неопходности за знањем енглеског језика, преносимо оглас у изворном облику. Рок за пријаву је: 25.01.2022. Линк за пријаву.


Our goal is to create an opportunity for young and passionate people to take their first steps towards employment. Our program will last for 6 months and depending on the achieved results and the immediate needs of the company, our candidates can become our new colleagues.

Your Main Tasks:

You help deliver new product features based on our proprietary Java-based framework supporting both frontend and backend components, that are highly secure, cluster-aware and help high-efficiency features development. You assist in developing new features of our product in a team consisting of full-stack developers, solution architects, UX designers as well as testers. The team will be international and highly interconnecting people from other countries, like US and Italy. You follow an advanced Agile development process for product development

Your Profile:

We Offer:

Join the team!

Apply now and be part of our success!

* Prior to an offer of employment your name will be checked against regulatory and law enforcement lists of individuals who are restricted parties under applicable law and regulations. Your data will be processed and stored in JAGGAER systems hosted in the Netherlands and/or Belgium for purposes of these required screening activities. All data will be deleted after three months.

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